Six Globalist Ruses To Justify Non-White Immigration
We have an existential imperative to assert our ethnic nationhood
Whites must assert that our ethnicity is the primary basis of our nationality and criterion for immigration. Otherwise globalists can justify non-White foreigners economically replacing our men, raping our women, ethnically replacing our children, and more.
Throughout all of human history, ethnicity has been the foundation of sovereignty and nationhood. Nationality is about one's cultural or ethnic belonging to a nation. Citizenship is a legal status that grants specific rights and duties within a country's political framework.
America is an ethnic nation founded by our ancestors for themselves, and us, their posterity, as declared in the preamble to the constitution:
Preamble To The Constitution
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
In addition to the constitution, the naturalization acts (up until the 1965 Hart-Celler Act) explicitly made ethnicity the primary and legal basis for citizenship. Hart-Celler was a slow, soft coup d'état which kicked off gradual White genocide and must be repealed. In another post I will go into detail about the act’s origin and why congress never would have passed it if they knew it would result in the opposite of what its supporters claimed it would.
But this post is about what the globalists have done since Hart-Celler.
Six Globalist Ruses To Justify Non-White Immigration
I will summarize the ruses then give their consequences. The ruses are:
Economic Zone
Immigration Zone
Helpless Third-Worlders
Nation of Immigrants
Nation of Ideas
1. Economic Zone
Globalists assert that our nation is a regional economic zone within the global economy. Foreign-born oligarchs like Elon Musk have called America a sports team!

This economic zone / sports team ruse implies three paradigm shifts to our political architecture:
Government is a public/private partnership. Rather than three federal branches of government, there are two: elected officials and oligarchs. For example, Donald Trump and Elon Musk. For USA Inc. to win, corporations can’t limit its employment pool to American citizens. So the partnership sets immigration policies that will maximize USA Inc.’s GDP.
Corporations replace the 50 states. Rootless, capitalist oligarchs need low wage foreigners to cut the labor costs of globalist corporations. The corporations game the immigration rules enacted by the government/oligarch partnership to maximize the corporations’ profits. The larger the market cap, the more powerful the state.
Citizens are employees. Any foreigner who promises to work long hours for low pay for oligarchs of transnational corporations can become a US citizen. The public/private partnership will not grant employment priority or protection to native born citizens; they must compete in the global economy.
If White nations are economic zones, then citizenship and immigration is equivalent to employment. The public/private partnership hires and fires citizens based on their economic output. Native born citizens are treated as fungible worker units. Reducing the labor costs of globalist corporations overrides the need of White American citizens to support their families.
Any hostile non-White foreigner can ethnically replace us as long as they work hard for a lower wage than White Americans. The rigged H-1B legal immigration system of the last 25 years has been non-Whites economic strip mining the cultural, legal, educational, and technological gold created by our White ancestors.
So, an Indian named Diklit Poopbaji who will work twice the hours for half the wages as American John Smith will be drafted from Team India to team USA to replace John. Dikit gets an H-1B visa and training by John, who gets two weeks of severance and permanent unemployment.
Legal economic citizens ethnically replace White citizens. These ethnicities overwhelming vote Democrat and only hire and promote their fellow ethnics. They also gain political power, and promise to put the interests of their co-ethnics over those of American citizens. If White nations are economic zones, legal immigration has become a system that ethnically, politically, and economically replaces Whites in our own nations.
In multiracial societies, you don't vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.
-Lee Kuan Yew
2. Education Zone
Globalists treat White nations as education zones.
Universities serve to educate foreign students, rather than the nations’ native citizens. And our universities serve to help foreign governments get their students research and training expertise, which they can take back to their nation.
Foreign students will become employees that will work longer hours for lower pay than native born citizens; this benefits corporations. And foreign students pay significantly more in tuition; this benefits university bureaucrats and endowments.
Every student slot given to a foreigner is a slot not given to a native citizen. So, citizens are denied the education and training they need to enter employment. Combine this with affirmative action, and White students get additionally fewer university spots. White male students are the most effected because females outpace male enrollment. For example, in the 2020-2021 academic year, women made up 60% of college students, while men accounted for 40%.
By turning White ethnic nations into educational zones, globalists create permanent undereducated and uneducated native citizens, who then become permanently underemployed or unemployed. Anti-White globalists then have the excuse to hire foreign workers, since there’s now fewer qualified citizens. Student visas are the starting pathway to employment visas, and towards permanent citizenship. The foreign students take advantage of programs like the OPT program which gives employers discounts for NOT hiring American workers.
Recent data shows a decrease of 716,000 native-born American workers since pre-pandemic times, with all job growth attributed to foreign-born workers.
Foreign students are overwhelmingly non-White, mostly Indian and Chinese. These non-White students become professional academics who prioritize their co-ethnics into graduate programs. Also, once they earn their PhDs, they get priority hiring by their co-ethnics at research centers and corporations.
Universities effectively become companies that sell research to foreign governments, which they use against us. China has infiltrated our universities for their military and economic advantage. For example,
“Academics at Imperial College London have worked with scientists at Chinese institutions linked to Beijing’s armed forces and defence sector on research with potential military applications. …co-authors included a senior Imperial researcher and academics from Harbin Institute of Technology, one of the ‘Seven Sons of National Defence’ universities with close links to China’s military and defence industry.”
3. Helpless Third-Worlders
Citizens of third world countries can’t help themselves or be helped in their own countries; only by living in White nations can White people help them.
Tens of millions of immigrants bring their traits that created their third world to our developed country. Some call it Brazilianization. Entire books have been written about the crime epidemic brought by these immigrants, so I don’t need to expand further.
4. Diversity
Globalists preach that White nations are inferior because there’s too many White people in them. Therefore, the solution is to decrease the percentage of Whites via Black and Brown immigration.
If many of these racially and religiously diverse military aged men rape our women, that’s unfortunate. But without them we would lack the cultural enrichment such as enjoying an authentic biryani dish.
To see how destructive this ruse scales, in England the globalists say they can’t deport the Muslims and Africans who tortured and raped tens of thousands of White girls, over decades, because doing so would violate the human rights of the foreign torturers and because “authorities’ fears that they could be called racist for documenting abusers’ ethnicity”.
If our White ethnicity has no special claim on White nations, then we have no right to prevent others from being in our nations because of their ethnicity - that would be rAciSt!
But if the UK enforces their ethnic basis of nationality, they can deport ALL Muslims and Africans based solely on their ethnicity and prohibiting them from entering the country.
If the UK had adopted this policy, not one of the tens of thousands of White girls would have been tortured and raped. Blood is on the hands of politicians who deny the ethnic basis of nationality and immigration.
5. Nation of Immigrants
Globalists assert that the founding stock, the British and northwestern European settlers, were “just immigrants” not founders of a new nation.
By this ruse, globalists can claim the we, the descendants of the founding European settlers, have no special right to control who can become a citizen of the United States of America. Since this land isn’t ours, any Indian, Venezuelan, or Somali has just as much right to “immigrate” as we once did.
The miracles wrought by our ancestors are erased, their noble legacy is discarded, and our birthright is stolen.
Our White ancestors weren’t “immigrants” to a fully developed country named “America.”
Immigrants move to an existing society, typically as individuals or families, seeking better economic opportunities, safety, or improved living conditions.
Settlers, on the other hand, move in groups with the intention of establishing a new society. They aim to create a community that reflects their own traditions and values, often maintaining their original cultural identity and legal systems.
America is a nation of British and Northwestern European SETTLERS, not immigrants. They were explorers, conquerers, colonists, religious freedom seekers, and pioneers. Starting 400 years ago, they suffered, bled, and fought to build the world’s greatest country from nothing - for themselves and us, their posterity.
When the first Britons crossed the treacherous Atlantic Ocean 400 years ago, the continent they found was sparsely inhabited, with semi-nomadic tribes living in the stone age. These warring tribes from Siberia had fluid territories, not a cohesive, developed, stable country called “America.”
Today, the descendants of these Siberian tribes have nations within our country. For example, the Navajo Nation, Cherokee Nation, and Sioux Nation. Theses peoples are not founders nor natives of the American Nation. They are founders and native of their respective nations. So, Navajos are Native Navajos, Cherokees are Native Cherokees, and Sioux are native Sioux.
The European founding stock of the nation of America, and their ancestors, are the Native Americans. I am a native American.
We are Heritage, Ethnic Americans. In contrast, immigrants to the United States post Hart-Celler Act are mostly paper citizens, or US nationals.
6. Nation of Ideas
According to this final ruse, anyone who agrees with some ideas considered uniquely American can gain citizenship.
Such a basis of nationality would qualify any conscious human that can give a signature or move their head - about 8 billion people. Effectively infinity immigrants.
In addition to the volume of potential immigrants, there's no consensus or authority on what values constitute "American-ness," no practical way to test for these values in immigrants, and any attempt to define such values would likely exclude large portions of the current population given the stark ideological divide between left and right. Furthermore, maintaining national cohesion based on ideological criteria would require an intrusive surveillance and propaganda apparatus far more problematic than traditional ethnic or lineage-based nationalism.
Immigration not tied to ethnicity has the effect of politically, economically, and ethnically replacing Whites in our own nation. So, we have an existential imperative to assert White countries are White nations, where citizenship is based primarily on ethnicity. Any economic, educational, or other considerations are secondary. Because White countries are ethnic-nation homelands, immigration is only justified to the extent that it benefits ethnic Americans. Similarly, deportation, remigration, and revoking of citizenship can be justified on ethnic reasons alone, since ethnicity is the basis for citizenship.